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Buying a house in California is always a good time and what better time than now. Purchasing a home in California is a long term investment with advantages. 

When looking to buy a house in California, explore all your options whether it is your first, second or multiple times purchasing property, you should think long term. This is a home, where your family can start, grow or expand and start new chapters in your life.

It is always a good time to buy real estate in California, yes values go up and down. That is where the long term investment plans a key role in your decision to purchase. Whether you buy at the height or the low of the market, you will always gain equity in the property because the values will increase and you will be paying your loan down month after month.

I speak with homebuyers in California daily and I hear a lot of reason to buy now or wait. The ones that buy now, always come out ahead than those who wait. The ones that wait and call me after a year or two, always say "I should have bought last year" or I should have bought when I first spoke to you."

Not everyone is in the position to buy a house now, due to credit, income or down payment. Those buyers, taken the proper steps will be homeowners one day. Always give yourself a reason to speak with a loan officer in California about your desire to purchase a home. The best thing can come out of it is, you will know where you stand when buying a house. If you can not purchase now, than you will at least know what you need to do in the future to be in the position to one day own a home.

I know advise from family, co-workers and friends are valued but speaking with someone that is in the business and stays abreast of the every changing lending guidelines will be your best resource. As loan officers we need stay informed of guideline changes and new products that come to the market where we can inform and educate our borrowers of the new developments. I do not speak to my friends who are in construction about my medical issues, that is what my doctor is for.

The reason I support you buying a house now is, when you set a budget on how much you are willy to spend towards a mortgage payment each month and you can purchase because you meet the income, credit and down payment requirements, then what is stopping you from buying a home in California? Is it fear, is it lack of knowledge about the home buying process or you think you do not qualify because of something you heard from another person? 

That is why you need to speak or sit down with a mortgage loan officer and discuss your needs and goals of owning a home. The process of buying a home in California is not that difficult when working with the right licensed knowledgable loan officer that only has your best interest in mind. I have been in the home loan business since 1988 and have assists thousands of people purchase and refinance real estate in California. Over those years one thing remains consent, those who bought real estate on a fix rate mortgage seem to come out ahead that vast majority of the time than those who could not or should have bought a home because the lack of the 2 items, credit and income.

Real estate by far is one of the safest investments you will buy in your life time, because you will always month after month will be reducing your balance. Yes you have the ups and downs, but if your mortgage is a home fix rate, then you will not have the fluctuations in the payment. The stock market losses and gain in such dramatic swings you can loss more than you gain. Look at the vast majority of wealth in our county, if you were able to look at their portfolio of investment, I can bet you more than 50% is invested in real estate.

You do not have to have a truck load of money to buy a house, there are programs like VA and USDA that are 100% financing, no money down purchase programs. With available down payment assistance home loan programs in California, FHA and Conventional home loan programs are still an option to own a home. 

if you are trying to time the market on when  to buy a house, guess what you will loss. That is why Las Vegas has the money and you don't, do not gamble when purchasing property, just do not. In the long run you will come out a winner because you set a budget and a goal with yourself and your loan officer on what you are looking for when exploring your options to purchase a home.  

After 23+ years in the mortgage business, I meet incredible people that I had the privilege of working with and I treat my clients the way I would like to be treated. Sometimes the truth hurts when someone tells you, "You can purchase a home at this time". Believe you me, I do not like saying that to anyone. But once we set a plan so that one day you can buy a house in California, you will be in a better situation to afford a home. That is one of the main goals, once you are able to buy a home, you continue to own that home til the day you pay it off or sale it and made a profit. You are not looking to purchase real estate to one day loos it through a short sale or worst a foreclosure.

I welcome the opportunity to work with you and explore all options so that your goals and budget are meet when looking to buy a house in California. My goals is to make the process of purchasing a home as smooth, stress free and enjoyable as I possibly can. Connect with me HERE or call or text me direct at 909-503-5600. I look forward in speaking with you very soon. 
Posted by Nathan Rufty on September 6th, 2015 1:20 PM



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